Visualizations Window Media Player

We all listen to music. Some of us listen to our music on the go on our iPods or Windows Mobile devices. But when we are in front of a computer jamming out while working, what do you use.

I have used Windows Media Player but I will show you some good iTunes visuals as well below on my computers for years and years.

I have also found an invaluable resource for downloading Windows Media visuals that react to the music within Windows Media Player. They look a little something like this:

You can visit this site provided by Microsoft here. When you arrive you will see a list of Windows Media visuals to add to your collection. It looks like this:

Everything to download is free. The first one on the list that says featured visualization WhiteCap is a PC or Mac visualization application which is only a trial. The rest seem to be freebies.

I will run through how to use them. It is very simple – locate the download link next to the visualization you would like to have. This is what will play in the background of your Windows Media Player Console while a music file plays. This will also play if you do not have a video codec installed for a video file. Then it plays as a placeholder.

After downloading and installing the visualization you can activate it from within any version of Windows Media Player by clicking the arrow next to now playing like so:

Then choose visualizations and then continue on to choose a specific visualization as you can see in the image above. As you install more Windows Media visuals they will appear in this list. Some of the ones available for free download are:

2. Terminator III Download Link

There are obviously other media players that people use on their desktops or laptops so here are some other links for visuals as well:

On iTunes the deal is pretty much the same – you can download this one called Circle that looks awesome. It can be downloaded from here.

and here is another one for iTunes called Snow from the same company as the one above WOW Labs that can be grabbed from here.

I can never get enough of these and I used to have an awesome screensaver on my Windows 98 machine that would allow it to rock out to any track or audio source playing through your system but it cost 20 and for the life of me I cannot remember the name of it. If you know of something similar for any platform let us know in the comments.

Since Media Player specific visuals leaves a lot of people out, we would love to know what you use to watch visuals with your tracks. We don t care if you are tripping, smoking, drinking or banging your head against the table – we just want to know what you like to stare at while you do it.

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Download Windows Media Player Visualizations - real advice. TwistedPixel Visualization for Windows Media Player and 4 more programs.

Visualizations for Windows Media Player visualizations window media player visualizations window media player

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Visualizations are colors, shapes, and patterns that move to the music in Windows Media Player Now Playing mode. The Player comes with a number of visualizations, and you can download more on this page. Learn more.

Created by: Averett Associates

Created by: Microsoft and Averett Associates

Created by: Microsoft and Warner Bros.

Created by: Tim Cowley and Stephen Coy

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Download free visualizations that move to the beat of the music in Windows Media Player.

The Coolest Windows Media Visuals For Your Music Experience

Welcome to the Windows Media Player Visualization Wiki Edit. This is about Windows Media Player visualizations such as Ambience, Bars and Waves.

Visualizations for Windows Media Player Add a visual experience to your music by adding visualizations to Windows Media Player. Visualizations move to the beat.

Visualizations windows media player free download for Windows 7 - KMPlayer Excellent free multi-format media player, and much more programs.