Activate Store Business Document

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activate store business document

Mar 16, 2015  Summary: Learn about apps for Office and how to obtain and manage apps for Office for users in your organization.

  • Frequently asked questions about Generic Object Services GOS. In this case probably the service Store Business Document is used. To activate this feature.
  • Office Store. Products Templates Add Verify and Clean Business Names and Addresses right in Excel. Create your free word cloud and embed it to your document.
  • Add functionality to Office and SharePoint with apps. Word to HTML converts your Microsoft Word document to HTML, CSS, photos for business. PicHit.Me. Free.
  • GOS toolbar when we press create option it shows Store Business Document functionality. By clicking this system display window for attachment. in this screen left.
  • Jul 08, 2007  To store document / image in SAP, we can use Business Document Navigator. To go to the Business Document Navigator, choose Office - Business Documents.
activate store business document

DB:4.16:Storing Documents Using Object Services x7

Does anybody know how to activate the Menu Entry Store Business Document .

DB:3.72:To Activate Store Business Documents In Services For Object In Customer Master 8z

We want to activate the feature Store business document in the services for object link in the customer master. This is needed to store various correspondence with the customers in the form of docx, xls, pdf, jpg, gif on an external server. You can see in the image it is currently grayed out.

Does someone know how to get this activated.

DB:3.46:Storage/Attaching Of Documents 8s

We can attach a document using Store Business Documents in transaction FB03/FB02 but that feature is greyed out in transaction AS03/AS02. Is there any settings we need to make to enable the creation of attachments in AS03/AS02 using Store Business Documents.

Any help would be appreciated.

Make an entry in the Archive link table using TCode OAC3 for the business object BUS1022 with the document types/table/retention period etc and save.

Then you go to AS02 or 03, to see the Store business Documents activated.

DB:3.03:Deleting Old Shipment Cost Documents From System 97

We are using the Business scenario, where shipment costs will be created by job after creating shipment documents. Shipment cost needs to transfered by business.. But business forgot to activate the Transfer Icon in Shipment cost document. Business deleted these shipment cost documents manually, But we have set up a batch job, which will create shipment cost documents.

All these documents are old and business doesn t want to use.

So if the business deleted these documents but Job is creating shipment cost documents again.

So, is there anyway / any program these Shipment cost documents status can be changed as Transfered so that Job will not create the shipment cost documents again.

This has to be done in the configuration.

Refer below links which might help.

COnfiguration GUide

DB:2.96:How Can I Get Instid_B For The Documents Which Are Stored Using Store Business Document Functionality 8f

I had activated the functionality of Store Business document and successfully stored documents in external server.

My client have a custom function module which is used to send emails.In that FM they used SO_DOCUMENT_READ_API1, SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 function modules.They passed Instance Ident SRGBTBREL-INSTID_B eg: FOL33000000000004EXT39000000000026 as export parameter to the FM SO_DOCUMENT_READ_API1 and get the attachment details and content.

Here my problem is I do not have entries in the table SRGBTBREL for the documents which are stored using the Store Business Document functionality and without INSTID_B I am unable to use the FM SO_DOCUMENT_READ_API1 to get the document details and content. Please help me to find INSTID_B for documents which are stored using Store Business Document functionality or please let me know if there is any other way to use FM SO_DOCUMENT_READ_API1 for documents which are stored using Store Business Document.

searching in SE24 there are several CL_ALINK_ classes and IF_ALINK_ interfaces that may solve your issue such as


and many more. Maybe one of them may be helpful for you.

DB:2.84:Help - Sql Server Reporting Services 2012 Sharepoint 2010 - Installing In Integrated Mode k9

I ve read over a lot of installation documents online, and a lot of the posts here, and there seems to be a real issue with saying things like install to the SharePoint server or install to the database server

Here is a notional multi-server, multi-tier SharePoint 2010 farm. I think this is a pretty standard configuration.

Now let s say I want to install SSRS 2012 in SharePoint integrated mode, with the service running on App02.

On which servers must I install the add-in.

Do I need the standalone DB server if I plan to store all my data in the cluster. One of the MSDN documents seems to suggest that I have to install a standalone SSRS server on a database server not in the farm - is this correct.

Where can I install the SSRS in integrated mode. Where

What is the recommended architecture for this farm.

Philo, who apparently went italic and can t get backPhilo Janus, MCP Bridging business Technology: Telecommuter. Author: Pro InfoPath 2007 Pro InfoPath 2010 Pro PerformancePoint 2007 Pro SQL Server Analysis Services 2008 Building Integrated

Business Intelligence Solutions

Patrick, the problem is the new and additional requirement for SQL Server licenses. The add-in cannot be acitvated until SQL Server Reporting Services components are also installed. The Add-in alone is not enough. This requirement is quite clear and now

well documented. So my beef is that the cost and complexity of the installation starts to balloon out for every WFE you wish to add. Each one also requires SQL Server installed on that box and that is quite a pain in the neck. This has substantial additional

headaches and costs when considering an Azure installation.

GeoffGeoff Schaller Software Objectives

DB:2.82:Miro Creates Two Documents With Log_Mmfi_P2p dj

Hi gurus,i have a customer that has down payments from FI and from MM, for the MM case i activate the Business Function LOG_MMFI_P2P but in transaction MIRO the system creates two indipendent documents, accounting flow is correct but the documents are two. Is there a way to create only one document and don t split these accounting posting.. Two documents are wrong for Italian Law, Your help is very appreciated, Thanks in advanceBeatrice

If you create down payments with transaction FPDP_CREATE or from the report Down-Payment Monitoring for PO transaction ME2DP, the system transfers the down payment data of mandatory and voluntary down payments for each item to financial accounting. If down payment is not active at header or item level, the system does not transfer any down payment data.

DB:2.82:Sap Easy Dms / Gos Archive Link - Do We Need Content Server. zx

Can we implement Easy DMS without installing Content Server. Is there a posibility to use external storage drives instead of Content Server.

Even for Generic Object Services GOS function to Store business document via ArchiveLink, do we must have Content Server.

My understaing is, in case we dont want to uplaod documents on R/3 database server, we need to have content server.

Yes, your understanding is correct.

If you don t want to save that in SAP R/3 server, you should have Content Server to store it.

DB:2.79:Activating Generic Object Services For Certain Sap Objects 31

I have an requirement to Activate Generic Object Services for the following Tcodes:

Quality Inspection Plan QP01/02/03

Once the generic object services are active for any object, we can attach documents to it.

I searched a lot but did not find any workable solution to achieve this. Can anyone help me out.

DB:2.79:We Need To Create One Or More Business Services To Connect To Service Provider In Osb pj

Hi all, I posted some questions for OSB and received some responses helpful. And today, I have a question about it to clearing about business services in OSB. Based on oracle s documents, a business service will connect to I mean it can communicate service provider backend service. I have a example: Backend service A provide two services getEmployeeInfo and updateEmployee. Will I create one or two business services to connect to A to use these services . I think I need only one. Can anyone talk about this case. Many thanks.

Hi Beck, for your scenario you can use only one business service, 1. As Karan already explain about wsdl, you should create a Business Service using WSDL file then you can choose operation at testing time. 2. if you don t want to use a wsdl and you can create a SOAP type service then you can use WSA-Action to identify the service at beckend. Using wsa-action you can send a operation name like :wsa:Action Operation Name /wsa:ActionHere 2 different solutions for you Question.ThanksAnkit

DB:2.75:Activate Configuration For Psgrp Invgr In Dfkkopk Table az

I am looking some help to activate the configuration for these two files PSGRP Grouping Key for Line Items and INVGR Grouping Key for Invoicing. These two fields can be used to link the line items from Billing Documents, Invoice and Business Partner 7 G/L Items. These fields are available in table DFKKOPK.

Do anybody has insight how to activate the configuration for these fields.

These fields can be activated thru

PSGRP : Contract Acct. Receiv Payable-Basic Function -Posting Documents -Document-Screen Preparation-Define screen variant for for List entry of Business partner

INVGR :Contract Acct. Receiv Payable-Basic Function -Posting Documents -Document-Screen Preparation-Define screen variant for for List entry of General Ledger items

can you activate my blackberry services

As we do not currently provide Blackberry devices, I m guessing you re either with Orange or T-Mobile. The best thing to do is contact their dedicated helpers through Facebook or Twitter and they should be able to help you with this.

DB:2.72:Activate Bes In Mobile Blackberry 8100 83

I ve a mobile blackberry 8100 and I ve o Blackberry Enterprise Service installed in Server in my company, at first all these services are functional, but can t perform the business Activate always show failure to request activation. The network connection is available, but all services include the BES are active in mobile. already checked with the operator.

DB:2.72:Ehp 5 Can t See Ea-Sawe In Sfw5 ac

i want to use SAP for Professional Services, therefore i have to activate some enterprise extensions and business functions.

SAP help says: Activate the business function LOG_SD_CI_02 Sales Distribution 2 and the Staff Assignment and Work Engagements EA-SAWE Enterprise Extension. LOG_SD_CI_02 is already activated.

Also the following business functions:

I can t activate Enterprise extension EA-SAWE because I don t see it in SFW5.

How to find and activate EA-SAWE.

I am facing the same Problem. Were you able to solve it.

I activated Business functions

and still - EA-SAWE does not appear.

Kind regards, Thomas Neugebauer-Spreng

Can anyone tell me where to activate Business Functions in ECC6.

It is shown as the first switch in SPRO below the SAP Customizng implementation Guide. Check the below onlione documentation for details

You can always activate any additional business function later but it cannot be reverted once it is activated, so you need to be doubly sure before activating it.This task is usually done by basis team, so contact them for more details.

This switch framework is available from ECC 5.0 onwards.

DB:2.68:Investment Management- Document Attachment To Appropriation Request da

I am trying to display document attachment in Appropriation request business object BUS2104.

In SAP, we did the basic customizing under transaction OAC2 and OAC3

We are using Livelink/Ixos to store the documents rather than SAP R/3 database.

When an Appropriation Request is created using transaction IMA11, to attach document, we then use Global services option Create-Store business documents.

Then we select the Attachment for Appropriation Request and drag and drop an image file/document.

However, the problem is that the same document description appears with multiple attachments it is actually Document type description rather than file name. This is confusing especially in case of multiple attachments, where we see the same description/long name for each document, rather than file name.

Is it possible to change the description so it will show as unique for each document attached and will show the actual file name.

If we use Create Attachment instead, then we can see each document file name. The problem is that this option is using SAP database to store documents, which is what we don t want to do.

Can anybody suggest how to solve this problem.

DB:2.68:Activation Of Business Area Financial Statements 1p

If in running SAP system, we activate Business Area Financial Statements tick in OBY6 from 1st of June 2011, then what would be the impact.

I mean to say, when we execute F.5D at June end what will system do because we are entering business area in June documents only, is there any impact on previous year open documents.

Are you using classic GL, if yes then F.5D will adjust open items when executed in F.5D for business area as well. This is for your information. Using NEW GL concept the business area is derived from document splitting method assignment.

DB:2.65:Store Business Document Via Sap Gui For Html zz

We are trying to use SAP GUI for HTML via UWL in Portal to deliver Workflow. When we try to attach files for the Store Business Document step, it gives an informational message Store business document Access via NULL object reference not possible but the documents themselves never get attached. We are on ECC 6.0 and Portal 7.0. Any help is greatly appreciated.

DB:2.64:Do I Need Documents For Upgraded Business Account. kz

Hi,I have a premier account.From what I know, when you do business with a premier account your customers can see your email address when for example making payments to you.

So I wanted to be more professional and upgrade to business account so I can have a more professional appearance,so as my customers can see a business name and not an email address.

What I wanted to know is do I need to file any legal documents with any government agencies or is there any kind of paper work I need to fill out before I choose a business name and officially start my online business.

Or can you just put in whatever business nameI have made.

Hope this was clear enough,Thanks for any help.

DB:2.64:Backing Up Directories Using Wildcards. k1

When backing up our end user workstations we only want certain directories that are inside of the documents folder or My Documents. For example, our company has a policy that users store company related information in My Documents Business and we want to pick up that Business directory with Avamar. The problem is that the physical location of the Business folder is different for every user/operating system i.e. WinXP c: documents and settings username my documents which is different on Vista and on our Mac machines. Is there a way to specify a wildcard based on a directory name. i.e. I want to back up anything in a folder named Business where ever it may be on the physical disk.Thanks in advance.

Try setting the backup for c: Then include backup and exclude . I wonder if the include was over ride the exclude

DB:2.64:Could Not Activate The Business Add-In Implementation /Fldq/Address_Check px

We have gone through installing the BADI s for data quality management on ECC 5.0. I have followed the steps in the SAP BusinessObjects Data Quality Management, version for SAP Solutions 4.0 pdf for installing the package and activating in SCPR20, however, the Activate/Deactivate postal validation functionality did not activate automatically like I believe it should according to the documentation. Upon trying to activate it in IMG, I am getting the error below also shown in activation error screen shot. I am able to view the badi /FLDQ/ADDRESS_CHECK in SE19 and the check is successful, but upon trying to activate it there it gives me the error stating that it must be activated in IMG. Searched around but could not locate anything that was helpful. Please advise how to correct this issue. Thank you.

Could not activate the Business Add-In implementation /FLDQ/ADDRESS_CHECK

These are the steps I am following to get the error:

2 SAP Netweaver -- SAP Web Application Server -- Basis Services -- Address

Management -- SAP BusinessObjects Data Quality Management

3 I then click on green check to the left of Activate/Deactivate postal

4 Click Yes to activate /FLDQ/ADDRESS_CHECK

5 Click green check for transport number

6 Receive error Could not activate the Business Add-In implementation

7 Screen shot of activation error is also attached

I know that you have logged a case for this exact problem. There is more going on in your environment than currently shows in this error. I would recommend working through the case to resolve the problem.

Typically when you activate the BAdI s using SCPR20, you have it activated and when you click on this option it should pop a message that states Do you want to Deactivate it. If you have Deactivated it, you then toggle back to Activating it.

DB:2.63:Difference Between Usage Of System -- Services For Object And Gos Direct 7k

i was wondering if you know an answer for that problem:

1 Start ME23N no SAP Gui classic design. and go to System - Services for Objects in order to start the GOS Toolbox. Try to to store a business document. In my case i don t have the authorisation S_WFAR_OBJ so i get the Message no. 00398 You do not have authorization for this function Thats the behavior a want

2 Start ME23N and activate GOS Toolbox by clicking directly on the button on the top left corner. Try to a store a business document. But there is no message coming up.. Same user, same PO. It seems that the Toolbox is just beeing restartet and thats it.

Same behavior in IW53/IW33 too, no auth error message if GOS is started via System -- Services for Objects.

SAP Gui 7.20 PL 3 signature design

Thanks for your help and best regards

Edited by: Oliver Grewenig on Jan 18, 2012 AM

I have done a similar testing for Tcode FB03 since I have done Archivelink configuration for this FI object.

Start FB03 no SAP Gui classic design. and go to System - Services for Objects in order to start the GOS Toolbox. Try to to store a business document. In my case i don t have the authorisation S_WFAR_OBJ so i get the Message no. 00398 You do not have authorization for this function

Start FB03 and activate GOS Toolbox by clicking directly on the button on the top left corner. Try to a store a business document. Still got the same error message You do not have authorization for this function.

Later I added the required object in the authorization profile and it worked in both the cases mentioned above.

Since the same program is being executed behind both the cases, it will check the same authorization object as designed.

What I would suggest is that you perform this test again and ensure that no one modifies the authorization during your testing period.

DB:2.63:Skyspot Billing Enabler For Airos d3

Hi Guys,Sometimes ago we had an aim to enable UBNT devices with AirOS for billing and monitoring services. After many months of hard work we managed to achieve this goal. Currently NanoStation2, NanoStation Loco2,Bullet2, Nanostation5, Nanostation Loco5 and Bullet5 have the following features for billing and monitoring services with SkySpot Cloud Controller:- Enable SkySpot Billing and Monitoring- Enable Monitoring only- Disable billing and Monitoring servicesSkySpot Billing Enabler AirOS can be downloaded directly from SkySpot Dashboard or from the SkySpot Store It is free. This firmware was tested more than 6 weeks before release.If you would like to try, SkySpot Dashboard has interactive User Guide which will guide you how to install this firmware and activate gateway.To activate billing service LAN MAC is required from UBNT device this is not MAC from the box.. Thanks,

Hi Stephan,Can the Skyspot service be used with an operator that has deployed PPPOE for AAA for its clients. Or is this model just for operators that have implemented Hotspot/Captive portals.

DB:2.62:Ms Office Usage Within Solman jf

I have the problem opening the MS Office documents in SOLMAN via TX. SOLARxx.

Do I need to activate some services or other preparation steps.

If I load up some. doc-documents and try to open or to edit,

I am receiving the error Could not open or edit the document.

Please can you tell me the way I can do it..

upgrade to the latest patch for the SAP GUI.

Hi,We are planning to store employee docuemnts in sap; Conetent repository is avilable and i Linked business object prel with content repository and created document type;But basis consultant is not willing to give OADD tcode which is used to upload documents to HR administator. Is there any way we can upload the documents ;Where does the docuemnts gets stores if i attach documents using object services;Regards,Neelima

Hi Neelima,Have you tried T-code OAOH.Put in PREL in Businens Object the document type belowThe data is then retrievable via PA20 - Extras Display FacsimiliesHope this answer helps you alongBest regardsJakob Stigaard

DB:2.61:Xfinity Business Store Observed In Dublin, Ca. c1

What services can I get there.

DB:2.60:How Can I Create A Online Store Using Muse. With Not Business Catalyst ka

How can I create a Online Store using Muse with not Business Catalyst for example three services

_ttps:// fastcheckout

You might try adding Ecwid to your Muse site. I have successfully integrated it within a Muse eCommerce Template of my own here. The Ecwid option is really nice and would actually fit quite nicely with your site

Let me nkow if you have questions, and I ll try to help.

DB:2.60:In-Store Merchandising And Inventory s8

I ve activated business function ISR_RETAIL_STORE_3 which shoud activate de scenario for In-Store Merchandise and Inventory management.

Problem is, except for some help entries which are related to EHP4, very little is said about it. I can t even find the entry point the Web dynpro Application to start the store.

Has anybody had any experience with this. Does this work.

To be able to view the WebDynpro UIs we would need to have below Portal Server with the specified Business package.

Portal server: SAP NW Portal 7.01

1. BP ERP05 Common Parts 1.4x ECC 6.0 EHP4 OR 1.5x ECC 6.0 EHP5

2. BP-IS-R-SRS 1.4 if your ECC is 6.0 EHP4 / BP-I-R-SRS 1.5x if your ECC is 6.0 EHP5 or above

DB:2.59:Publish Documents Out Of Sap ak

We have DMS setup to store documents in a contents server. Is there a way to get SAP to save the documents to the contents server and at the same time store the on a network drive but only do this when the document is release.

I know if sound funny to do this but its something the business has a reason to do.

OK, here something you might try, not very elegant, but it might work.

At release document trigger a workflow which calls BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKOUTVIEW2. This gets you the location where it checks it out, and from there on you might be able to push it to your network location.

DB:2.58:Mdg Supplier Activation cp

i need to activate mdg supplier and customer business funtions in sfw5 tcode.

However, when i selected the mdg_erp_supplier or mdg_erp_supplier_2 or mdg_erp_supplier_3, right clicked it and i can see an option activate additional lanuguages.

Not sure if this is the option that i need to select to activate the Bussiness function, but i selected it, and i can see a message as you can only activate BC sets of activated business funtions

Could you please let me know how to activate the business functions for supplier and customer..i checked in google but im getting tons of documents, im not sure which one to follow, can anyone please help me in providing simple steps to activate this object..

Thanks Boris. that is helpful.

i got the right access and i can see the checkbox next to the business function.

i selected it and selected the activate changes button in the header.

DB:2.58:Activate Gos Business Application For Object Prel fp

In the transaktion PA30 the functionality of the GOS is available. But the business application is standardly deactivated for the object PREL. So the function Store business document under menue point Create is not active.

Is there a possibility to activeate this function. And how.

Did you get this working finally.

If not then try applying OSS note 668271 and then using tcode SKPR08 add an entry under New Cat. for SOFFPHIO and SOFFDB. If you use the pull-down there is an option to Create a new category or use tcode OACT. Create a new content category and assign it to the content repository you have already created i.e. connected to http content server. Be sure that the content server is not assigned to document area ARCHLINK specifically i.e. leave it blank.

The entry in SKPR08 makes SAP store the attachments on the external content repository instead of the SAPDB.

DB:2.58:Using Gos To Store Business Document On The Content Server fa

We use content server to store business documents via ArchiveLink. The process to store a business document is via Generic Object Services menu path Create - Store business document.

When document is stored in such a way, the actual name of the document is not displayed in the Attachment list of the GOS menu nor is it stored on the content server. What we see instead in the Attachment list is a description of the Archive object TOASP-objecttext for all documents that we store.

We need to have a document s name i.e. name of the uploaded file displayed in the Attachment list of GOS. We also need to be able to retrieve this file name programmatically via a function call or a class method.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I have the same problem about you.

I also want to display the author name and the name of the document.

Have you resovle your problem.

Could you tell me how to resolve.

Hi, My company is operating on 22 countries, has different business industries subsidiaries. Recently has implemented consolidated on premises SAP ECC environment to server its business need. Now seeking DMS hosted solution SaaS Model to facilitate its operation with e-archiving and attaching transnational support documents tool. I m wondering whether any provider has such services.

There are many solutions provided from SAP for Document Management Where users can upload the documents and can be accessed by other users. You can also Index the documents.

Some of the applications used for document management are CA-DMS PLM-DMS, NW Folder Management, Generic Object Services GOS, CFolders

I hope this is what you are looking for and is relevent for you

DB:2.58:Does Activating Ui5 Business Function Break Existing Webdynpro Services. az

We are using NWBC for ESS and MSS WebDynpro for ABAP services on EHP7 for ERP 6.0. If I activate the UI5 business functions HCM_ESS_UI5_1 and HCM_MSS_UI5_1 will that disturb the current services we have already in NWBC, or are they independent of each other. We have a developer ready to start on UI5 development, but another developer still finalizing the NWBC WebDynpro ABAP services.

Yes it ll look the same way, unless you assign the user the UI5 revelant roles,

Note that UI5, has introduced the new landing page for ESS, MSS and already available HR professional roles, so if you activate it, unless you assign the ESS UI5 role, you wont be able to access the application.

So you wont be effecting the WD ABAP applications and should work

DB:2.57:T5sscxssservices - Set Data Tracking For Individual Self-Services 7c

We have a requirement for BI Report to fetch data from table :T5SSCXSSSERVICES

The above table could be filled with data when we perform any activities in ESS and MSS.

I wanted to know what are all required configuration to get data in to the table T5SSCXSSSERVICES

I understand below mentioned configuration are required:

IMG Node 1: Activate Data Tracking for All Self-Services

IMG Node2: Set Data Tracking for Individual Self-Services

Is it required to activate Business FunctionS et - HR Administartive Servcices.

I am facing the same doubt now, are you able to share your experience on how to populate T5SSCXSSSERVICES. Appreciate that, and thank you in advance.

DB:2.57:Dispute Case - Additional Documents Attachment pj

During the creation of dispute Case we have a requirement to Store attachments PDF, XLS or Word files of customer business with Dispute case itself.

Can we utilize the Note functionality or Services for object.

In either cases where does SAP Stores the Documentation. more details. please

Thanks Mark. . Your reply answered my question.. perfectly

DB:2.57:Red Error When Activating A Slight Changed Ods 8s

I copied the installed business content EBP ODS 0BBP_CON Goods/Services Confirmation - Single Documents to a new ODS, and then do a slight change like turn on some NavAttribute and just add one custom field to Data Fields folder, then activate the ODS, but get the following red error:

Characteristic 0BBP_RECIPT__0COUNTRY: ODS object 0BBP_RECIPT__0REGION check master data does not exist.

If I activate the original ODS, it works fine, only the copied one with slightly changed one gets the above error. What does that mean by this error msg.

I thought maybe I missed installing 0BBP_RECIPT__0COUNTRY which could be an InfoObject, but when I try to search it as an InfoObject in Business Content, can t find it.

Message was edited by: Kevin Smith

iI thought maybe I missed installing 0BBP_RECIPT__0COUNTRY which could be an InfoObject, but when I try to search it as an InfoObject in Business Content, can t find it./i

Search with 0BBP_RECIPT not with 0BBP_RECIPT__0COUNTRY.

The In fo object 0REGION is compounded to 0COUNTRY.SO if you want to make 0BBP_RECIPT__0REGION as the navigational attribute you should make 0BBP_RECIPT__0COUNTRY is alos navigational attribute. So make atick mark for those two attributes as navigational attributes in the ODS Edit screen, and then activate it.

Message was edited by: Anil Kumar Sharma

DB:2.57:Transfer Word Documents From Lumia 520 To Mac. xp

Is there an app to transfer word documents composed on the lumia 520 in office to mac.

I only see apps for enabling photo/video and music transfers from 520 to mac.

I ve been to the mac app store and don t see an app to transfer word documents from windows phone to mac.

DB:2.56:Re: Installing Bi Content fp

Its a new implementation, do i need to activate all the infobject and activate dso and infocube and query.

Is the above sequence right. Do anyone have document on activating BI content both in Source and Target system.

I went thru few documents, but its not clear. Currently planning to Integrate BI with E-recruiting.

I know how to do in RSA1, collecting the objects and installing it. But pls confirm the real time environment how do we activate the standar business contents and make the standard reports work. The issues we get when activate and precautions and sequence.

How do we identify the specific dependent objects

DB:2.56:Attaching Documents Within Sap mj

When attaching documents to SAP, either through journal entries or sales orders or PO s, is there a best practice to use such as using Services for Objects - Create - Create Attachment or Store Business Document. Do they both archive. I noticed that I can t use Business Document everywhere since it greyed out such as in the PO. Is there a reason for it. Just looking for general ideas as to what to do and which approach would cause the least amount of space being taken from our server.

I am not aware if a BP exists, and believe a seperate serve/repositories will be configured to handle archiving documents. Please check with you basis team.

Please check the setting SAP NetWeaver General Settings Application Server Basis Services ArchiveLink

DB:2.56:Defining Centera Store In Da 8m

Hello,We have bought following items:Content ServerDocumentum AdministratorEMC Content Services for EMC CenteraCenteraWhere does one now define policies for when/how parameters to store content to the centera.If I have a Cabinet with two folders. I would like to store documents on local volume for 3 months and after 3 months move them to Centera.

you re right,during the content server installation, you are asked for providing a Content Service for centera licence.regards,Olivier

DB:2.56:Connecting To Archivelink Using Bds Services 17

I am able to store business document for Trip BUS2089 using front end drag and Drop facility. This creates link to ARCHIVELINK as well. Post configuration. Now when I attach file to TRIP using Business document services CL_BDS_DOCUMENT_SET CREATE_WITH_FILES then I am able to attach the file to TRIP BUS2089, but I know this this linking is erronous as I can not find the link to ARCHIVELINK Transaction OAAD for this document.

Can someone help to store business document to business object including Archivelink.

did you manage to figure this one out.., I would like to know how because I am having the same problem.

DB:2.56:A Copy Of Windows 7 Ultimate Had A Msdn Product Key From Ebay, Installed And Cannot Activate 78

Bought a copy of Windows 7 ultimate had a msdn product key from ebay, installed and cannot activate. Been told by microsoft customer services that this type of product key is for business servers only.

But now I have bought a REAL windows 7 ultimate from a recognised retail store I am form UK btw. Do I need to reinstall OS again or can I activate now the original win7 with MSDN key with this REAL product key I just bought. Thanks in advance

Yh I guess you are right, better be safe than sorry. Lesson learnt not to save couple bucks and end up with this problem. Thanks for your help mate.

DB:2.55:Access Denied On Business Intelligent Centre Sample Reports mz

I configured the Reporting and Excel services in my Sharepoint 2010 with Project Server 2010.

Now when i am trying to accessBusinessIntelligenceCentre- Sample Reports - English United States - All Documents

It isShowingme following error,

I uploaded a sample workbook nameExcel Services Sample Workbookfrom Business Intellegnce Center - Documents to above mentioned path and it is working fine. but the reports which are already present here are not working

Please advice me is it some thing related to permission or secure store service.

Waiting for a helpful reply as always.

I amperformingall theactivitiesfrom Site Collection Administrator account.SSA

How do I activate the scan to computer option when that option doesnt even show up on my computer. I use my all-in-one OJ6700 all the time for my home-based business so I really need to be able to scan documents.

I would also add that the Manage Scan to Computer option will only show up if you are connected to your device via network, and not USB. If you re connected USB, Scan to Computer is always on by default.

DB:2.55:Print Pdf From Business Document Server fd

we re using bds to store pdf documents in SAP.

Is there a way to print these pdf documents direkt, like the ole integration with Word and Excel.

DB:2.54:Business Address Services Address mx

where we maintain Business Address Services address

can any one give path to create or change Business Address Services address.

DB:2.54:Enablement Of Store Business Document Drag And Drop Documents za

When creating a an attachment on FD32 -Click on Services for this Object-Create popup -Store business document is not letting me store the document.

Does anyone know how to enable this function please.

Is there an error being thrown when this happens.

I have seen some cases where this issue is resolved by performing the following:

- Start transaction SE16 and enter the table name as TOAEX.

- Click on the menu option TABLE - CREATE ENTRIES.

So I guess the first step would be to check this entry exists and if not, try creating it to see if it helps.

Recently went into an EE store to get an iPad Mini.

Im an existing business customer but was told i would need to take with me a whole selection of ID.

Photo ID, Bank Card, Reciepts or invoices with business name and a Purchase order for said iPad.

Does anyone have a list of what is actually required. dont want to waste another trip.

DB:2.54:Droid Bionic Will Not Activate.. Help 3a

I have been trying all day, been on the phone with support, been to the store and they were on with support. I was ultimatly told to just wait..

I am losing money and business with no phone.


Gettting a message that says it is having a problem and to try again and contact support. I have done all of the above several times.

Go to a Verizon store, tell them to give you a new SIM card. They should take the new SIM and activate it in another 4G device, and then put it in your phone. That should do the trick.

DB:2.54:How To Store Document In Non-Sap System 3p

I want to store documents uploaded in SAP screen to external non-SAP system.

In terms of document storage what is the difference between GOS- Create- Create attachment and GOS-Create- Store business document.

I know how to configure archivelink protocol to store GOS-Create- Store business document in external non-SAP system. Do we have a way to store GOS- Create- Create attachment as well to external system using ArchiveLink, if yes then how to.

Thanks for your reply Rajesh, but it did not answer my question.

In terms of document storage what is the technical difference between GOS- Create- Create attachment and GOS-Create- Store business document.

I know how to configure archivelink protocol to store GOS-Create- Store business document in external non-SAP system. Do we have a way to store GOS- Create- Create attachment as well to external system using ArchiveLink, if yes then how to do that.

DB:2.54:Services Of Object-Ke52 z1

I have to store the documents against the profit center but Services of Object is not available in KE52 like it is available in Cost center.

Please advice how to activate in GOS in KE52.

I am implementing Archivelink for my client and main purpose is to store the documents attachments in pdf,word etc into the content server against the business object.

The requirement is to store the the relevant documents for a particular profit center through GOS but the GOS is not available in KE52 where you can create and store the document against the object.

GOS is available in cost center and other FI Business objects like FI document,Asset,GL Account etc.

DB:2.52:Description Field For Inventory Documents - How To Activate This Field 89

Description field for inventory documents - How to activate this field in transaction code MI01.

Below information i got from Solution browser tool.

Please help me to solve this issue.

Description field for inventory documents

Within the inventory document there is an additional text field which can be used to have a more detailed description of the inventory, e.g. Inventory for men shirts

MM miscellaneous enhancements from industries being relevant for core customers

DB:2.52:Bussiness Function Ish_Main Must Always Be Switched On 9c

We ve installed SAP ECC 6.0 and we tried to activate BFS of

heathcare ISH with sfw5 without success.

I get the following message Bussiness function ISH_MAIN must always be switched on when trying to activate.

We ve read sap notes and already:

1047968 SFW5 Enterprise Business Functions

1084565 Unable to select business function set in SFW5

1082597 Not enough business functions activated in SFW5

They are uploaded to the maximum services packs and SPAM

What s going on. Perhaps we cannot change an already activated BFS

DB:2.52:Activate The Content Server For Purchasing jc

I want to activate Content Server for PR/PO/RFQ.RFQ/SES/GR/SA/Contract.

Followed the below mentioned step:

1. Configured the Content Server using transaction OAC0

2. Created new document class using t-code OAD2

3. Created / Activated new document type and associate the document class T-code OAC2

4. Link Object type / Document Type / Content Repository and Link table t-code OAC3

But still unable to see the Store Business Document navigator enabled in the Services for Object icon for PO ME21N/ME22N/ME23N

Can anybody tell me if some thing i ve missed out here.

We have got one business requirement where we need a cutom status for PO. When I check the options to create custom status, menue is coming under procurement for public sector and promptiong me to activate business function /sapsrm/srm_cross_industries.

When I tried to activate the business fucntion I am getting the error message

PPS can only be activated in the extended classic scenario

Could some one explain me how can I create custom status and assigned to procurement documents in srm.

You can use bellow FM to update status of PO:


Check if you can create custom status for PO.

DB:2.52:Configuration Steps For E Recruitment 8s

I have requirement to implement a Erecruiting project.if any one have sample BBP formats please guide me.

1.How to configure the R3 System

2.How to integrate the 2 different servers.

3.which Business functions neeed to be activate

4.which services need to be activate in SICF

5.which BADI s have to activate

6.Apart from these SICF,SFW5 tcodes,any other tcodes where I need to activate any thing

7.What are the integrations and interfaces.

Please help me with configuration steps

in the attachment of the note 997181 you can find useful information.

We haveofficially launched theTelstra 24x7 App for business on iPhone and Android smart phones. It s now available inthe App Store and Google Play. Take control and manage your Telstra personal business services on the move in one App.

Thanks Telstra for brining this out, enjoying the app on my andriod phone and I also downloaded the iphone app to the ipad where I viewed my bill online.

Would like to see the amount each user has used and how much call credit they have remaining ina future update.

DB:2.51:Failed To Update Dummy Content To Encrypted File Store Objects 18

As part Docbase Replication Procedure.

we are trying to set dummy content to Encrypted File store documents

backgroud of this implementation:

1. Repository db synchronized from Prod to DEV - sucessful

2. copied file stores from Prod to Dev except the above Encrypted File Store i.e contains sensitive data documents - successful

3. used docbase cloning procedure to sync with DEV Environment - sucessful

4. changed the installation owner - sucessful

3. Cryto keys and distruted content services reintialized - sucessful

4. Trying to update dummy content to documents which don t file store in dev environment - failed

Have you tried importing/creating a new document into DEV repository. This will confirm if the file store in dev env is correctly configured. If this works, how are you updating the dummy content ie thru DFC code, webtop, repoint, etc.

DB:2.51:Archivelink Of Documents Through Pa30 Not Working Through Gos: am

For business object PREL, we are not able to store the documents Store business documents through GOS in PA30 but in case of BUS1065 we are able to upload the documents but it is storing the document against the employee number only but we want to store the document against the combination of employee no., infotype and subtype like when we do it by using tcodes OOAD and OAWD.

We edited the business object BUS1065 and added the entries like infotype, subtype but when we upload the documents through PA30 it is only storing the document against the employee no and it able to store against the combination of employee no., info type and subtype if we use OAAD OAWD.

We have activated the interface for PREL but still it is not working in PA30 and store business document is disabled.

We are also able to store the documents in OAAD, OAWD but the requirement is store by PA30 only.

Please advice how to store the documents in PA30 against the employee no., infotype/subtypes through Archivelink without Bar coding.

DB:2.51:Solution Manager Bpr And Esr cm

I believe that SM documents business processes in the Business Process Repository while there is also the Enterprise Services Repository. Is there a link between the two. For using CE to orchestrate new business processes, I suspect it needs the business processes documented too. Does the BP s need to be documented in two places or is there a single repository shared. Leads to any info or documentation will be appreciated.

DB:2.51:Business Ap For Ipad For A Small Business Interior Design. 87

I need some advice in choosing a business ap for my iPad for my small interior design business which can store documents and photos and possibly share them with my business partner who also uses an iPad. Two blondes so easy to use please.

DB:2.51:Hr Documents Through Archive Link, m3

Iam totally confused with using the generic object services option i have done OAC2 / OAC3/ OAD5, for storing HR Documents Tthe confusion is i could see different ways for maintaining the documents in the content server,

Which business Object is to be used is it PREL Employee Document or use BUS1065 Employee

and another important thing is which procedure to be followed as, what is the Best Practice to do the same with out any Development and with slight development,

One thing is directly going by Generic Object services, ICON in PA30, store business object, which i could do it,

other procedure is Assign Facsimile, when are we suppose to use this procedure, and for me it is not working and asking to enter the Bar code No, is this Barcode methodology a standard funtionality or requires a development

Please provide some details, or any practical documents is welcome,

Edited by: Priya S on Aug 18, 2009 PM

I would request you to read the pages from 423 in the below mentioned document. It clearly explains as to how you can use the assign facsimilies option.

DB:2.51:How To Configure The Services Wda In R3 System mj

Please provide ESS/MSS Configuration steps for ECC6.0 EHP7.

Current System we are using ECC6.0 EHP7 SP 2 with portal 7.4

1.which business functions components needs to be activate in the backend system

2.which services need to be activate in SICF

3.In SE80 -any WDA components need to activate

4.Once system is ready how to start the launchpad configuration to maintain the services in portal to configure the services in WDA ABAP.

please guide me the config steps

welcome here is the links kindly check

HCM EHP5, EHP6 and HR Renewal Important links and documents all in one documents

DB:2.50:Enterprise Activation 8j

Hi, we just signed with microsoft with Office 365.

We try to activate some users throughBlackBerry Business Cloud Services, the user looks OK in the web interface but wen trying to activate with the terminal, it search 10 minuts and finaly answered that it s too late to activate.

We receive a mail from the server in the mailbox, but not more.

Does anybody know what is wrong.

Same issue here, we come from our own BES to the cloud,

non of the BB devices that wants to activate.

Can you tell me the best way to contact the support,

an ETP dat email is in the mailbox.

if that is not being processed then you need to contact support

DB:2.50:Global Trade Services pz

This could be a great Help if some one provide me the link, documents or FAQ for the below topics

3 Customers and Business Partners

Search in Google. You will get lot of inputs from there.

DB:2.50:Nokia E7-00 Broken Ovi Store kz

I did a new installation on Nokia E7-00, Symbian Anna. Everything OK. I have broken Ovi Store Welcome Service Business, and still loading .

Unfortunately re-installation of software using Ovi Suite does not equate to firmware being re-installed at Nokia Care Point which may possibly be only solution to non-functioning Store. Presumably you have also tried accessing Nokia Store via your browser rather than using application icon.

Happy to have helped forum with a Support Ratio 42.5

DB:2.50:Ht4053 My Iphone Won t Activate. ds

My Verizon store try already to activate.

DB:2.50:Help With Sap Snc Web Ui - Supplier View dd

Hello All - Would be glad if one of you could help me regarding the issue I have been facing.

I am not able to open the supplier view WEB UI from the SAP GUI. I performed all the config steps by activating the nodes following the config guide. I also made sure the host server is active in SMICM transaction. What other steps need to be performed to get the SNC WEB UI screen. Right now when I click on the SNC Supplier view Web UI, I get a blank white screen. I checked the format for this from and it seems to be right.

If you can help us with any pointers on where we are getting stuck, that would be of immense help.

I look forward to hearing from you. I followed the following steps as outlined in a previous thread

You have to activate the HTTP services to get Web pages follow the following steps:

1. To carry out the activity, choose one of the following navigation options:

SAP ICH Role Menu: Activating Services

SAP IMG Menu: mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide -- SAP Web Application Server --

Web Applications -- Activate HTTP Services

2. On the Maintain service screen expand the node level by level. For each of the node, right-click on the node and choose Activate to activate the relevant services:

default_host -- sap -- option Activate all

default_host -- sap -- public Activate all

default_host -- sap -- bc -- bsp -- incmd Activate all

default_host -- sap -- bc -- bsp -- sap Activate all

default_host -- sap -- bc -- bsp -- scf Activate all

default_host --sap -- bc -- bsp -- scmb Activate all

default_host --sap -- bc -- bsp_dev Activate

default_host -- sap -- bc -- cachetest Activate

default_host -- sap -- bc -- graphics Activate all

default_host -- sap -- bc -- htmlviewer Activate

default_host -- sap -- bc -- igs_data Activate

default_host -- sap -- bc -- mlt Activate all

default_host -- sap -- bw -- Mime Activate

You must expand all nodes and activate them individually; the sub-node is not activated automatically when the parent node is activated.

3. After activating all relevant services, choose default_host -- sap -- bc -- bsp -- scf -- uibsp, double-click on this node.

4. On the Create/Change a Service screen, choose Change and enter the following data:

Enter a description e.g. Login as Internet User

Goto Logon data tab Basic Authentication Choose this option Standard SAP User

5. Choose Store, Confirm the information message with Enter, and assign a change request when it is requested.

6. Choose Cancel to go back, right-click on this node and choose Activate to activate it again.

7. Choose Back to quit the transaction.

After following above steps you should be able to get SNC web pages.

I am not able to understand anything from ST22.

DB:2.50:Activating Store Business Document In Collections Management Fscm 13

We have a requirement to activate STORE BUSINESS DOCUMENT functionality in FSCM collections management. The reason for activating this is to store documents relating to a customer Jpg, Doc, xls, pdf etc., to an external server.

This can be found by navigating to a FI document from process receivables screen in FSCM under services for object-- services for object--store business document.

Can someone let me know the steps involved in doing this.

What type of documents do you need to hold.

You have the ability to add attachments - to customer contacts, P2P s and notes- however over time these will go.

If you want to have something held against the customer, I would suggest you hold it against the customer master

DB:2.50:Business Partner Replication Documents cf

Need Business Partner Replication Documents

DB:2.49:Can I Deactivate Microsoft Office Home And Business 2010 Trial k3

The trial period for Micro. Off. Home and Business has expired. I do not want to activate. I am in reduced functionality mode and cannot work on any of my documents. Do not like the 2010 product. How can i deactivate.

You may also want to refer to the link below for information on how to uninstall the trial version of Office 2010 from the computer.

DB:2.49:Business Content Activation z8

HI,I have a task to activate the business content for retail in sap BI system the following below are the modules for retail to activate the business content. 1.Pos Analytics 2.Profit center analytics in retail 3.Store controlling 4.Merchandize Management And before i start with business content activation at BI system i want to activate the sap standard datasources at ECC system for the given modulesand replicate in to bi and start the content activation in bi/bw. Please suggest which are the required standard data sources i have to activate in ECC system for the above modules.Regards,Prasad.

Hello,Please check the below link:BI Content List for BI Content 7.04Look for Retail related information.Thanks,Vinay

DB:2.49:Basic Annotation Services Question dm

Do I necessarily need PAS to store PDF documents with notes inside the docbase. I have a client who is reluctant to spring for the PAS license and I d like to know if it s really necessary to use Annotation Services to simply store PDF s with markup/annotations using Adobe plugins. They will not be accessing Webtop, only using a 3rd party tool to save and retrieve documents from the Docbase

1. Users can annotate the document without needing WRITE permission RELATE is sufficient. Therefore, you can control that they do not modify the document.

2. From the previous point follows that since it s not needed to checkout the document, multiple reviewers may annotate the document at the same time. This can significantly speed up the review process if you require multiple reviewers.

DB:2.49:Gos: Create Store Business Document 78

when using GOS to attach a document create store business document, the system enables me to attach the corresponding documents. The thing is that once created the attachment, if you display list, the documents attached can not be distinguished because there isn t any description. All the attachments show as description the document types customized.

Is there any possibility of adding a description so that the user can display the documents attached and know which is the subject without being necessary to open all the attachments one by one.

I also am interested in this. Also, the user ID of who created the attachment is BLANK.

DB:2.49:Archivelink: Store Business Document In Background c8

I have the requirement to automatically retrieve a file from a directory and store the file as a ArchiveLink business document. This would be like using the Services for Objects GOS button and choosing Create-Store Business Document. The document should be stored on our 3rd party storage system IXOS, aka OpenText, so it has to be stored as a business document, not an attachment.

Is there a simple function/BAPI to do this.

I think I figured it out. Here is how I got it to work. The file you want to load has to be on the SAP application server I think.

WA_COMPS-NAME Moore, Kenneth.jpg.





DB:2.49:E66, Navigation License Not Found xx

Hy, I have bought E66 nokia business phone. But the free 3 months License doesnt seem to work. I have tried talking to the store i bought from, but he declines any knowledge about the software. Then i gave it to the dealers and they returned it by updating the software and the Navigation still does not work. The toll free help line people have no clue and are sending me back to the service centre.

Anyone in here know how to activate the free 3 months navigation license. Any E66 users please help.

Does the Sale package BOX have a sticker stating 3 months free navigation.

If so then you are entitled to the license. Then you may try step 1 or check your sales package for a voucher with a pin and proceed with step 2

If step 1 does not work and you do not have a voucher, you may call the nokia careline and have then check if you have any licenses for your IMEI

If there is no indication on the box, it could be that your sales package does not come with the free navigation license and the only option is to purchase a license.

I would suggest to try the freetrial license from the website before your purchase one.

If this post helped to solve your enquiry, dont forget to mark me KUDOS and SOLUTION

i want to know how i can create pdf documents out of a purchase order. once a purchase order is created in sap business one version 2005, the system should create a po in a pdf format and store it in some location. how do i do that. would be grateful for some assistance

Damian is correct, I was forgetting that the Enhancement pack for 2005A SP1 includes the PDF functionality. So any patch from 23 onwards will have the PDF option.

DB:2.49:Repository Data Store Not Initialized. Please Activate The Repository Data Store By Navigating To Control Center Page. kp

Currently when navigating to Applications/Script Management in UCCX 8.5 I get the following error.

Repository Data Store not initialized. Please activate the Repository Data Store by navigating to control center page.

Under Network Services in Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability I notice the following.

Cisco Unified CCX Database - Out of Service

Cisco Unified CCX Cluster View Daemon/Manager Manager/File Manager - Partial Service

Cisco Unified CCX Engine/Manager Manager/File Manager - Partial Service

Cisco Unified CCX Engine/Subsystem Manager/Unified CM Telephony Subsystem - Partial Service

Everything was fine when I went home before the Christmas break.

I ve tried restarting the CCX Database service but it does not start.  I don t want to reboot now as the call center is taking calls just fine.  I can reboot tonight.

Have been experiencing a similar issue to this at one of my clients.

Restart of the SUBs services did the trick and kicked the primary back to being the call and script processor but very bizzare. Its been happening a bit but there were network issues which i was possibly putting it down too but they are resolved now and we are still having the issue.

Its an 8.5 box though with all the patches on it as well. Causing me no end of grief.

DB:2.49:Workflow Absence Vacations 8p

Good afternoon I have a problem. At the moment in a system 6,0 ehp5 I activate Absence services vacations in NWBC Netweaver Business Client and it works well, but it does not send any event and therefore any workflow. How should I configure these services..

DB:2.49:Full Text Search For Business Document Service Bds With Knowledge Provide 1d

we store Word Documents using the business document service. The data is stored in Raw-Data Binary, 255 format.

Now there is a request to implement a full text search for these BDS documents.

Does anybody know if this is possible. Where can I find relevant documentation.

DB:2.49:Warm Standby App Server And Sharepoint Documents xm

Which steps should be followed in order to bring Sharepoint documents back after we switch to a warm standby APP server.

How to: Activate a Fail-Over Application-Tier Server from MSDN explains Reporting Services explicitly but not Sharepoint. VS.80. aspx

I m sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting SharePoint back online with TFS.

Sudhir has written a blog post that may be helpful in creating the connection between TFS and SharePoint:

If this does not adequately explain what steps to take please reply back.

I am trying to display Archived Documents for Appropriation Request Application which is

under the business object BUS2104.

The basic customizing for Archiving here required were

1. Transaction OAC2 defining Global document types

In my example I created as follows Name:ZARCHIVE longname: ArchiveDocument for AppropriationRequest

2.Transcation OAC3 where I linked the ContentRepository T1 in my case, Documenttype ZARCHIVE and Business object BUS2104

I have created an Appropriation Request using transaction IMA11 and using Global services option Create-Store business documents

I selected the Attachment for Appropriation Request and dragged and dropped an image file.

3.Now I am able to successful view the document using the Attachment option and double clicking on the LongName which appears here again

ArchiveDocument for AppropriationRequest.

My question is how is it possible to change this long name which appears here again, to the

file name which I dragged and dropped.

Or customer wants to attach many image files to the same

Appropriation Request and all of these attachments will have the same Longname and it would be

Can anybody suggest me how to solve this problem.

I dont think this is useful for me.

I think it has to do something with Generic Object Services. As soon as I drag and drop a file I want the node ArchiveDocument for AppropriationRequest

under the folder to change to the file name which i drag and drop. Is this possible..

DB:2.49:Pr05 - How To Activate A Function In The Object Services Toolbox ad

How do I activate a function in the Object Services Toolbox.

In transaction PR05 Travel Expense Manager select any trip and then click on Change. This takes you to the screen for the individual trip.

On the top left of the screen is the Object Services Toolbox.

If I drop down on this list then select Create there are 5 options under Create i.e. Create attachment, Create Note, Create External Document, Store Bus. Doc, and Enter Bar Code.

The Enter Bar Code is deactivated. I would like to know how to activate this.

DB:2.48:Attachments On Sd Contracts sj

I have a problem. I need to migrate/move contracts from SAP CRM to SAP ERP. In SAP CRM the attachments are stored on a tab in the contract. In this tab it is possible to store the attachments in a folder structure which can also be expanded. It is also possible to enter a note with the attachment.

In ERP the attachments are stored using Services for Objects. How ever the functionality in SfO is not good enough for the business users since, 1. they want to upload the documents in create mode, i.e. VA41, 2. they require the folder structure they have in SAP CRM 3. They need the possibility to add notes to the documents they attach.

If GOS is not sufficient, look up Document Management DMS. I ve never used it myself but it s the only other functionality for the documents that I m aware of.

DB:2.48:How Do You Re-Activate Webiste Payments Pro. 99

I cancelled billing on Website Payments Pro about 4 months ago while I was restructuring my business. I can t seem to find anywhere on how to re-activate it anywhere within my account. Please give me the steps to do this.

You can re-accept your billing agreement from within your PayPal account.

Here s how to reactivate your billing agreement for Website Payments Pro or Virtual Terminal:

Log in to your PayPal account.

Click Profile near the top of the page.

Click Manage monthly billing in theright sideof thepage.

I hope this helps. Have a great day.

DB:2.48:Performance Issue In Store Business Document Functionality In Me52n a7

I have a problem in the Services for object in the transaction ME52N.

Create-Store Business document functionality when i try to dragdrop the PDF type file it is taking longer time.

Please provide some input to improve the performance.

Could you explain the architecture of your DMS and ERP landscape.

DB:2.48:Business Contract Documents - Insurance Claim dx

One of my employees lost mobile phone, and Insurance company/Bank asks to provide Vodafone contract confirming the IMEI number.

Where and how can I receive it.

We can provide a proof of purchase, we ll just need access to your account first.

Take a look here for how to get in touch.

DB:2.48:Reality Check - Differency Between Service And Adapters fz

In the various documents, whitepapers, presentations wrt Oracle BPEL we see services and adapters - but sometimes the various parts get mixed- n-matched.

I m assuming that services are there for the BPEL engine to get work done, like transformation, authentication, and adapters are actual business endpoints. Is this correct.

a service offers something, like specific functionality and is described by wsdl which does NOT mean it must be a webservice - with abstract operations, types and a binding to a technology soap, jca, etc etc

So this is the generised word and for business people the interesting one . .

like this is where i get my emp info from - no one cares where it actually comes from..

An adapter is a physical endpoint that a service is can be bound to, such as you can bind you service to a soap endpoint technology

DB:2.48:Cant Activate Download File For Office 2011 3z

Just purchased a step upgrade from MS Office Mac Home and Student 2011 to MS Office Home and Business 2011. Downloaded file multiple times but all I get are file not recognized messages. App Store did not have anything helpful.

If you already have Outlook for Mac installed as part of your original Home Student install or the trial then you don t need to install anything more. Retrieve your second activation key and enter it when prompted. You ll need both keys going forward should

you ever need to install Office for Mac again.

Otherwise, you can download and install the trial version and use your keys to activate it:

DB:2.48:Lost Documents After Upgrade 1m

Hello, I have purchased a Toshiba A215 Satellite with Vista Home. Proving difficult to attach to our school district domain and equally difficult to revert to XP, we opted to upgrade to Vista Business. First upgrade evidently had a corrupt file somewhere as I was completely unable to activate Windows. Told by a Microsoft Tech to reload Vista Business and true to his word I was able to activate Windows. The problem lies in that I was also told that everything would be in a file named Windows.old but the documents in the principal s documents are not there. Any help to retrieve these documents would be hughly appreciated.

I would like to help, but you question is outside my area of knowledge. I would suggest reposting your question into one of the Vista Newgroups at

DB:2.48:How To Store Documents In Share Point Services In File System. Not In Database m9

Please help me. I want to store documents Files in File system any disk drive. I know that documents are stored in Database only. But i want to store in file system.

DB:2.48:Iwork Icloud Documents Support Doesn t Work 83

Pages doesn t work with iCloud docs on my MacBook Air Montain Lion. There was a message, I should update Pages, but App Store doesn t find any updates for my iWork. I don t have the cloud file dialog with pages on my mac at the office: everything works fine afert update via App Store. Same on Numbers and Keynote.Can I install iCloud Documents Support for iWorks manual.And yes, I tried to de-activate and activate Documents support in control panel.

Solved. The update can installed manual, you have to download the update for iWorks from Apple. for your help..

DB:2.48:Business Functions To Activate In Ehp6 xm

What are the business functions we need to activate in EHP6 Pls let me know frnds

I have library, showcase, movies and sky store but not catch up. I am connected to broadband. The menu still shows anytime. My box is a Amstrad DRX780. How can I get all On Demand services.

Catch Up is currently only available on Sky/Amstrad DRX890 and DRX895 models. Other Sky HD models apart from Thomson boxes will receive the upgraded software shortly - probably by end of October or early November.


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DB:2.48:Storing Document In Content Server Through Create Attachment Gos ff

I have a requirement wherein my client would like to store documents in Content server through Create Attachment option which is available in Generic object Services GOS tool. We do configuration in Tcodes OAC2 and OAC3 in case of storing document in content server through Store Business Document option which is available in GOS tool.

Please let me know the procedure to incorporate on how to store document in content Server through Create Attachment.

Also I would like to know how to check the documents which are stored in content server in case of Create Attachment.

How can we check document is stored in content server. If it is stored in How can we retrive data.

without create attachment document won t store in Content server. can You please let me know how the process will after configuration for invoice.

DB:2.48:Ehp 5: Can t See Ea-Sawe In Sfw5 9c

I want to use SAP for Professional Services therefore I had to activate some enterprise extensions and business functions.

The help docu says: Activate the business function LOG_SD_CI_02 Sales Distribution 2 and the Staff Assignment and Work Engagements EA-SAWE Enterprise Extension. The business function LOG_SD_CI_02 is activated.

I have also activated the following business functions:

But I cant see EA-SAWE in SFW5 Switch Framework.

Were you are able to fix the issue. Would appreciate if you share your experience on your query.

Looking foward to hear from you and thanks in anticipation.

DB:2.48:Store Business Documents On Wd Abap - Travel xd

Hi experts,We are using SAP Portal 7 with BP 1.4 and ECC EHP4 for SAP Travel Management. On WD ABAP for travel management I don t find configuration to store business document on GOS services. This option is available on backend on PR05:On the portal I can t see this option available:We are studying with our external content provider the possibility so save a business document but I guess SAP standard does not deliver the possibility to store and open these documents through WD ABAP for travel management.Would it be difficult to integrate this feature on the standard WD ABAP.Thanks in advance.Best Regards,AS

We ran into the exact same issue when in ECC 6, EP 4. Per SAP, this is available in EP6 : Unfortunately as I expected, this isoutside of the standard design and functionality for EHP5 version andthe possibilty to utlilise the optical archiving in this way as youwould require is only delivered with the EHP6 version, it simply isnot possible in the lower versions at the moment as differentfunctionality is delivered with the business function FIN_TRAVEL_4 so the system cannot handle for the portal version use of businessdocument in portal even with WD ABAP. We re in EP6 now, and cofirm that the option Store Business Document is now available not sure because of EP5 or EP6. Rgds.

DB:2.48:Barcode And Warehouse Management. 9p

do one need to activate ware house management to store materials with barcode. could anyone pls let me know where to activate barcodes for materials NOT for documents

Any help greatly appreciated.. many thanks

Any help greatly appreciated.. many thanks.

Use the OneDrive for Business formerly SkyDrive Pro app on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch to store, access, and share work documents and other files in the cloud.

db:: 4.16::To activate store business documents in services for object in customer master x7

Linking Objects to a Document. in order to document the objects in more detail for various business You can activate additional functions in order to link.