Treo 650 Windows 7 Driver

treo 650 windows 7 driver

Windows 7 64-Bit Drivers for Palm Treo 680

treo 650 windows 7 driver treo 650 windows 7 driver

the 700 was the first that came with both palm operating system or windows mobile.

the 650, 700p, 755p, the 680 and centro all had palm Os versions. the only thing that is mising from some of these is the graffiti program. this can be added to any of them from what I understand. the 600 runs palm Os 5.2, while the others run version 5.4, it s more stable.

If she doesn t like the upgrade, you can always put it back on E-bay and get your money back. If she likes the operating system on the 600 she will be right at home with any of the others with the benefit of a more stable phone, better reception, better camera, better screen, much improved keyboard, longer battery life, Faster processor 312 MHz V.S. 144MHz and changeable batteries. The Battery can be replaced for under 5 is you ever need to. I have had a 600, 650,700p, 750p, Centro and a very old kyocera 6035. I use a 700p right now because it has more memory that the 650 and a better camera. The 700p has better battery life than the 755/680. The centro s screen and keyboard are too small for my tastes and battery life is not as long as the 700p. the screen from the 600 to the 650 and higher is like standard TV to HDno comparison.

Last edited by carlos1787; 07/11/2011 at AM.

I can now HotSync my Palm Centro to my Win7 LapTop

All of it. Photos, Calendar, Notes, Addresses / Phone s Etc

I m so happy I decided to write up a complete HOW_TO document, to help persons like you to be able to do the same. You will be happy also..

This is my way of contributing back . for the many Resources, Forums, WebPages, SoftWare Open Source otherwise, I use daily on Internet.

Also my way of saying thank you to following persons / organizations:

A Thank you. for originally coding the needed HotSync 64bid Vista Win7 Drivers.

B Thank you again . for making these drivers Internet available for free download.

C Thanks to who-ever it was that a Discovered the Aceeca Drivers, b Realized their application to urgently needed by users of all Palm Devices HotSync Drivers for 64bid Vista Win7 computers, and then c Posted their discovery, for the whole world to use..

D And finally thanks to WyerNut, of for his moderation of all those Palm Forums, and having discovered the Aceeca Drivers, installed them on his Windows Vista. and then.took the time to post his own HOW_TO. . A copy of which I have incorporated, with links, into my Win7 HOW_TO document, link below.

TITLE: My Procedure for Successful Installation of Palm HotSync Driver On Vista Win7 OS Computer. This Driver Is For a HotSync of Many . Most. Palm Hand Held Devices Older Palm-PDA s, Centro, Treo, etc, To The So-Called Palm DeskTop.

To HotSync many . most. PalmOS or HP/PalmWebOS Devices to 64bit Vista and Windows 7 operating systems, you can sucessfully use the needed hardware drivers from. However, getting them installed is not an automatic. You will have to do the install yourself, step by step. If you need guidance, please click on the link below, to use my Complete Palm HotSync Aceeca Driver Installation Guide :

Caution: The Aceeca drivers are most certainly good for more recent PalmWebOS devices. And according to various Palm forums, there are statements that these drivers also work for the older PalmOS devices. The Aceeca TroubleShootGuide, talks about Hotsync ACEECA Palm OS 4.x or Garnet OS 5.x device, in ways that the driver will work on these devices:

HOWEVER, I have not tried this, and only seen a few reports of success by others. Concerning Aceeca Drivers, one report says 64bit driver works with palm os4 and os5 smartphones and pda s

So, if you have the time to experiment, give it a try and let me know. Thanks

If you like my Guide or notice needed corrections / improvements could you please drop me a line..

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  • Mar 21, 2010  Palm Treo 650 will not sync with new windows 7 computer. . Are there any drivers available or how to do it. Thanks.
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